Grain Sorghum Seed- Bulk Hybrid brewed type sorghum seed varieties for sale


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Grain Sorghum Seed - Manufacturers Suppliers, and Factory from China

We take pride in our ability to consistently pursue high quality in our products and services, earning us extensive customer satisfaction and recognition from clients such as Grain Sorghum Seed.Our goal is always to build a win-win situation with our customers. We believe we will be your best choice. "Reputation first, customer first." Looking forward to your inquiry. This product will supply to all over the world, such as Burundi, Cook Islands, Malawi, Uzbekistan, Chile and so on. If you are interested in any products, please let us know. According to the excellent quality, reasonable price and best service, we have gained favorable comments from overseas customers. We sincerely welcome friends to discuss business and initiate cooperation. In order to realize common success, we will do our best to establish solid cooperation and transparent communication mechanism to work together with our partners. Once chosen, always perfect! We believe in building healthy customer relationships and positive business interactions. If for any reason you are not sure which product to choose, please feel free to contact us and we will be happy to advise and assist you. We rely on our strengths to establish mutually beneficial business mechanisms with our partners. On the basis of strengthened strength and more reliable reputation, we will serve our customers by providing the highest quality and service, and sincerely appreciate your support.

Hybrid brewed type sorghum seed varieties

Bulk Hybrid brewed type sorghum seed varieties for sale

Product Name: Ji Za 203 Sorghum Price:450G $12.00 Hybrid, brewed type. The average growth period is 128 days. The seedlings are green, the average plant height is 175 cm, the panicle length is about 34 cm, the panicle grain weight is 75g, the thousand grain weight is 28g.

Ji Waxy No.6

Bulk Hybrid brew type sorghum seed varieties Ji Waxy No.6 for sale

Product Name: Ji Waxy No.6 Price: 400G $16.67 The growth period is 108 days in spring and 95 days in summer. The seedlings are green, the average plant height is 170 cm, the panicle length is about 40 cm, the panicle grain weight is 75g, the thousand grain weight is 28g, brown shell and red grain, spindle-shaped panicle, and the panicle type is slightly scattered.

Grain Sorghum Seed




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    JENNY ZHANG: Dayuseed001

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